works for Leicester City Council and was marketing &
events manager and a researcher for the 'Ortonesque' exhibition
held at Leicester's New Walk Museum in Spring 2007. Shaun
was also part of the
promotions team behind the highly acclaimed Joe Orton Project,
premiered at Phoenix Arts, Leicester, in the Winter of 2007.
Shaun also contributed to the development of Joe Orton Online.
The Ortonesque exhibition brought together for the first
time collections of Joe Orton's literary papers and memorabilia
from the University of Leicester's Orton Collection, defaced
library books from Islington Local History Centre and personal
items such as his typewriter from The Orton Estate's collection.
See some of the exhibited items in the Gallery Section here
Mr Sloane had my 19 year old daughter in stitches recently.
The fact that today’s comedy-fussy younger generation
still find Orton funny is testament to the quality, uniqueness
and freshness of his writing. Even more incredible when
one considers that it was written some 44 years ago.
The screening of Sloane was part of an events programme
we developed to compliment the Ortonesque exhibition.
For myself, working on the project was the realisation
of an ambition I had had since the 1990s. Working within
the tourism sector in Leicester, i’d wanted to do
‘something’ around Orton but couldn’t
get the project off the ground. The general opinion was
along the lines of ‘wasn’t he that dead poof
off the Saff… who hated Leicester…that nobody
has heard of?’ A decade on, it was both ironic and
uplifting that the negativity surrounding Orton in the
mid 1990s had now transformed itself into the positive
reasons why the staging of the Ortonesque exhibition was
agreed; he was Leicester born, a hugely successful playwright,
a gay icon, an enigma in his hometown who’s work
was admired around the world.
Orton and Leicester both had a love / hate relationship
and, in the 40th anniversary of his death, it finally
looked as though via the exhibition, they were going to
buy each other a beer in the bar of life, shake hands
and make up. And they did. Although I’m sure if
Orton had wrote about the above in his diary, he would
have disclosed that halfway through making up, he left
Leicester sitting at the bar, nipped into the gents loo
and slipped some married geezer a length before casually
returning to order cocktails for two. Which brings me
nicely to an area of the Joe Orton legend that still fascinates
me some 20 years after first reading Prick Up Your Ears;
the diaries. Were they genuine accounts of his life or
were they part fact, part homo-erotic fiction with ‘Joe
Orton’ as the central character? The diaries were
always intended for publication after his death and today,
40 years after his murder, all of the supporting characters
mentioned have long since fallen out of the tree, unable
to validate or disprove the easy sexual conquests that
have made Orton a modern day gay icon. At the end of the
day, I guess we will just never know.
The Ortonesque exhibition pulled in some 25,000 people
and introduced a whole new generation to the life and
times of Joe Orton. It was fun to work on, extremely rewarding,
and I met some great people along the way. Orton’s
unique brand of humour - the ‘Ortonesque’
- was something that I got straight away and continue
to enjoy to this day. He is still funny. His writing is
still clever. He is still an intriguing character. And
I still feel smugly chuffed that he came off ‘the
Saff’ and used to live around the corner from me.