Dr Francesca Coppa is a noted Orton Academic, Associate Professor
of English
at Muhlenberg College and author of
'Joe Orton: A Casebook' published by Routledge 2003
Francesca has edited Orton and Halliwell's early works, including
Fred and Madge, The Visitors, The
Boy Hairdresser and Between Us Girls. |
realized just the other day that 2007 marks my twentieth
year writing about Orton: Joe Orton is one of those writers
who inspires that kind of loyalty in critics and audiences
alike. I did my first scholarly work on Orton in 1987,
when I was a student at Columbia University. In the twenty
years since, I've written many hundreds of thousands of
words, and I've also edited several editions of his plays
and novels and put together the only extant collection
of critical essays, Joe Orton: A Casebook. (2003)
I can't put my finger on what I've found so endlessly
fascinating about him, though I know that his works have
challenged and delighted me more than almost any other
art I could name. George Bernard Shaw once theorized that
a play is a kind of war between the artist and the critic:
if the artist is successful, the critic's analytical brain
shuts down, otherwise the critic triumphs over the artist.
I know that when I first encountered Orton's works I was
absolutely incapacitated by them: they made me
laugh, and they were also deeply satisfying in some way
I couldn't name. So I suppose I've spent all this time
trying to name all the various pleasures of the Ortonesque:
the perfection of his word choice, his almost-tangible
glee at his own inventiveness, the dead-on rightness of
his social anger, his confident assertion of sexual desire.
The Orton Diaries are a comic masterpiece, and
alone would have cemented Orton's reputation as a writer.
A critic could spend years cataloguing these many forms
of bliss, and Orton is the kind of writer who inspires
this sort of happy scholarly obsession.
And if this weren't enough, the great majority of Orton's
works were written during a period of tremendous excitement
and fast-moving social change: 1963 -1967. If you were
somehow immune to Orton's texts, it's almost impossible
to ignore the significance of Orton's contexts. Orton's
life with its many contradictions - he was young, working-class,
intellectual, homosexual, and 'macho' all at the same
time - make him an almost irresistible symbol. We can
try to ignore Orton the man, but he just smirks back at
us, both begging to be interpreted and resisting all our
easy labels and categories.
As a scholar who is interested in the way communities
form around literary and theatrical works, I want to suggest
that this web site you're on - right now! Hi there! Hello!
- is an important and continuing part of Orton's legacy.
Orton's been dead for forty years, and yet he can still
draw an audience with ease. Few writers have this sort
of commanding grassroots power: Byron does, and Austen,
and Wilde. Joe Orton has this power too: he still speaks
to us and brings us together.